Monday, May 23, 2011

Wait?! This isn't really Javascript!!

Sadly, about a month into first learning about Unity I found out the age old legend of JavaScript. The JavaScript language in Unity is not traditional JavaScript but actually UnityScript. A proprietary built in language that is actually extremely similar to JavaScript but with limitations. At the time I was too far into my work to be bothered with re-learning in C#.

As of yesterday I have begun my journey into the world of C# and I am impressed with the way code seems to be more organized. Could it be the Object Oriented-ness of C Sharp? Who knows? But I am growing to be impressed by it. However, I am also being exposed to the errors of my ways programming in UnityScript. I believe I will always prefer JavaScript-ish languages probably because my first language was Action Script 2. But learning C Sharp will definitely benefit me in not only the way I code in UnityScript but also keep me well rounded for future projects and possibly teams.

If anyone would like to know, I am learning Csharp from
It's not free but seems to be a good alternative to learning from a book. And the author/creator is very charismatic and keeps your attention.

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